2023 Game Directory
The quality of our Midwest Game Masters this year was OUTSTANDING. Although we did not get convention play pictures for every game, we think you’ll be impressed. GM’s came in from 6 different states to put on their games. We had 16 tables – with 12 historical and 13 sci-fi/fantasy games. Every single session had more gamers playing than 2022. Check out all the great games below and join us March 22nd & 23rd for even more.
Aliens Vs. Predators - Temple Game
Rules: Modified AVP Period: Sci-Fi Scale: 28mm
Game Master: Joe Eddy – Grimes, Iowa
Description: Join the Predators entering the Temple to clean out the Aliens and kill the Queen., avoid the face huggers, collect trophies and get out alive. Easier said than done.

Rules: Fistful of Lead Period: Grim Dark Sci-Fi Scale: 28mm
Description: After a series of explosions and collpases rocks the Hive, rumors of long sealed off areas of the Underhive have been discovered. With new areas brings New Loot! Its a race to see what treasures await…and what horrors. Gangs war in the underhive using Galactic Heroes and Wasteland Warriors.

Kessel Run
Rules: Skull & Crown Period: Sci-Fi Scale: Spaceship
Game Master: Thomas Foss – San Jose, CA
Description: Congratulations- you are the proud owner of a Corellian YT-1300f light freighter! Now, how are you going to pay off your debts? There’s always big credits in the Kessel Run. Paint up your ship and see if you can beat the game in 12 parsecs/Turns.

Race For the Reichstag
Rules: KISS Fast Play Period: WWII Scale: 15mm
Game Master: Phil Hartman – Jefferson City, MO
Description: Three Soviet Infantry Regiments compete to be the first to raise the red banner over the Reichstag in Berlin 1945.

Camp Alamo 1964
Rules: Fistful of Lead Period: Vietnam Scale: 54mm
Game Master: Reese Crawford – Bentonville, AR
Description: In the early stages of American involvement in Vietnam, a special forces camp finds themself in danger of being overrun. Can they hold out until Puff the Magic Dragon arrives?

Battle For Rynn's World
Rules: Fistful of Lead Period: Grim Dark Sci-Fi Scale: 28mm
Game Master: Jaye Wiley – Independence, MO
Description: The battle for Rynn’s world rages. Can a small garrison of Crimson Fists hold out against the Ork hordes.Take the role of the Imperial Marines or the Ork warbands to decide the fate of the planet.

Star Wars: The Last Outpost
Rules: Fistful of Lead Period: Sci-Fi Scale: 28mm
Game Master: Steve Willaredt – Kansas City, MO
Description: The Empire is dead. Years after the Emperor’s demise, hidden pockets of Imperial troops still remain. One of these pockets were recently discovered by the New Republic. On the planet Romero IV, lies an abandoned Imperial scientific base. The Republic had dropped a squad of paratroopers in to do recon and gather scientific intel. Communication was lost weeks ago. Squadron is presumed to be lost. What happened on Romero IV? Survival horror the Star Wars way.

Plains Wars Skirmish
Rules: Fistful of Lead Period: 19th Century Scale: 28 mm
Game Master: Jon Fleckal – Liberty, MO
Description: Native Americans and United States Cavalry battle it out on the Plains.

Battle of Savo Island
Rules: Ocean Thunder Period: WWII Scale: 1/6000
Game Master: Chris Arnold – Province, IL
Description: During the early months of the war in the Pacific, the American Marines started their campaign to take Guadalcanal and establish regular air combat missions from Henderson Field. With resupply ships in the waters of “The Slot” the Japanese navy look to strike a blow to the American effort. Can the American cruisers hold off the Japanese force?

Hunt For The Wounded Bear
Rules: Warlord Black Seas Period: War of 1812 Scale: 1/700
Game Master: Chris Coffelt – Jefferson City, MO
Description: After clashing with the French fleet off of Chesapeake Bay, the HMS Africa is limping north to put in for repairs. A fledgling US Navy squadron, centered around the USS Constitution happens upon the wounded behemoth. Can the Royal Navy hold off the Colonials? That is the question we need to answer.

Take The High Ground
Rules: Fistful of Lead Period: French & Indian War Scale: 54mm
Game Master: Chris Cluckey – Overland Park, KS
Description: We’re playing the “Take & Hold” scenario from the Bigger Battles rule book. Who will have possession of the field when night falls: the French and their Native allies or the British and their colonial subjects?

Cherry Blossom Death
Rules: Fistful of Lead Period: Fistful of Lead Scale: 28mm
Game Master: Ken Boone – Independence, MO
Description: Samurai Clans Battle for supremecy in the Fistful of Lead Fantasy adaptation.

Rules: Leading Edge Period: Sci-Fi Scale: 28mm
Game Master: James Harness – Chillicothe, IL
Description: Can the Colonial Marines make it to the drop ship and get off of LV426??? Or will the Aliens overrun them like they did the colonists ? Only the dice know…and they aren’t talking.

Terror Island
Rules: Fistful of Lead Period: Sci-Fi Scale: 28mm
Game Master: Steve Willaredt – Kansas City, MO
Description: The world’s greatest adventurers have been assembled on the mysterious Terror Island! These adventurers will fight for their lives to gain incredible riches and the powerful secrets of the island. Death will be waiting for them at every turn! Unspeakable horrors! Terrible Danger! Giant Monsters! Incredible Treasures! Can you survive?

Streets of Kanji City
Rules: Fistful of Lead Period: Near Future Scale: 32mm
Game Master: Jay Arnold – Pleasant Hill, IL
Description: The officers of the Knaji City Metropolitan Police battle against the forces of crime and disorder on a daily basis. One of the hardest precincts is found on Green Flower Street. Can they keep order and protect the neighborhood or will a criminal mastermind wreak untold havoc on the city?

Marine vs Marine
Rules: C3 Chaos Cubed Period: Sci-Fi Scale: 15mm
Game Master: Trent Burg – Urbandale, IA
Description: Space Marines forces clash over possession of a desert city.

Axis & Allies
Rules: Axis & Allies Period: WWII Scale: 1/72
Game Master: Bob Roby – Warrensburg, MO
Description: Germany needs just a little more space! Italy wants the Roman Empire restored! Japan demands its co-prosperity sphere of influence cover the Pacific! the Tripartite is ready to strike!!! Can the Allies stop this madness? The meager Allied forces await your commands. Pick a side, plan your strategy, build, fight, make the other poor slob die for his.

March or Die
Rules: Bigger Battles Period: Colonial Scale: 28mm
Game Master: James Harness – Chillicothe, IL
Description: Can a detachment of Legionnaires survive multiple attacks from a massive Bedouin army? This scenario is based on the final scene in the movie March or Die. Can you do better than the Legion???

Battle of St. Louis
Rules: Bloody Mohawk Period: AR Scale: 28mm
Game Master: Matthew Shirley – Raymore, MO
Description: Late in the American Revolution, the British sponsored an Indian raid into the “Illinois Territory” and Spanish held Louisiana. This is the 26 May 1780 multi-tribe assault on St. Louis defended by a composite force of Spanish regulars and mostly French and American militias.

Battleground HD
Rules: Battleground HD Period: Vietnam Scale: 15mm
Game Master: Brad Sanders – Jayhawk Wargames
Description: Battleground HD rules are perfect for any 20th or 21st Century warfare. Our first season is Vietnam War: Operation Cedar Falls 1967.

Breaking Lances
Rules: Breaking Lances Period: Medieval Scale: 54mm
Game Master: Thomas Foss – Santa Cruz, CA
Description: Breaking Lances is a quick-playing set of jousting rules, recreating the fast-paced and awe-inspiring engagements of knights charging at each other with lances couched, shields up, and horses thundering down the field!
These tournament style rules attempt to capture the quick moment-to-moment reactions in combat, where timing, position, and good horsemanship wins the day, for the glory and honor of the tournament! Or the favor of a damsel, or the ransom money… those are good too!

Intro to DBA
Rules: DBA Rules Period: Ancient Scale: 28mm
Game Master: Mike Sanderson – Kansas City, MO
Description: Fast paced one on one ancients combat game. Each general has an army of 12 stands. First one that loses 4 stands loses game. A game usually takes about an hour. We will guide you through the rules.

Lebanon 1983
Rules: DBA Rules Period: Ancient Scale: 28mm
Game Master: Mike Sanderson – Kansas City, MO
Description: Fast paced one on one ancients combat game. Each general has an army of 12 stands. First one that loses 4 stands loses game. A game usually takes about an hour. We will guide you through the rules.

Spanish Armada 2: Coal Fired Boogaloo
Rules: Fire When Ready Period: Victorian Scale: 1/600
Game Master: McMurray – St. Louis, MO
Description: The most powerful units of the Spanish Armada sally forth across the Atlantic, meeting a scouting group of cruisers from the recently sucessful US Navy. All the fun of big guns in the age of iron and steam, presented with 1/600 models on a huge playing space!

Team Yankee Red Dawn
Rules: Battlefront Period: Cold War Scale: 15mm
Game Master: Gregory Finch – Columbia, MO
Description: Based on the beloved 1984 movie featuring the Soviet Invasion of the USA where a group of school kids fought back. WOLVERINES! 15mm scale model combat based on historical vehicles of the time period.

Victory at Sea
Rules: Victory at Sea Period: WWII Scale: 1/800
Game Master: Bill Johnson – Lincoln, NE
Description: 1942 somewhere in the Pacific. The Impreial Japanese Navy and US Navy clash. Command ships of steel crewed by men of iron. New players welcome. Easy, fast to learn rules.