The Story of March to Victory

In October of 2021, we heard that Spring Recruits was over and that the curtain would soon be closing on Fall Recruits.  We thought that with enough time, we could build grass roots support for a wargaming event that could help fill the void.

Over the next 5 months we self-funded and hosted March to Victory 2022.  Although small by convention standards, it was largely rated a huge success by the local gaming community hungry for more opportunities to get together and play.

To help raise money we hosted small pay-to-play events throughout the year. 

March to Victory 2023 was even better.  The event grew by every single measure.  We appreciate all the game masters and volunteers who gave up their time.  Game Masters came from 6 different states, plus Thomas Foss came in to be a Guest Game Master.  The tables were just stunning and we even gave out awards.  We were extremely proud of the event.

Please join us!

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